Sunday, May 29, 2005

Morning. Saturday.

I got up early and went to Farmers’ Market at Capital Square this morning with Beth. We tried to hit there before 7AM to avoid the crowds. We were surprised that people started to pull in around 7:30AM or so. I got some fresh veggie and Beth had greens for her garden. I always like Beth’s salad-- fresh greens and tomato from her garden with tasty home-made dressing. She really has a green thumb.

We had the breakfast together in Sunprint On The Square on Pinckney Street. The clear and enormous windows allowed me to watch people on the square. Nice environment to enjoy the supper. Beth and I talked about Jazz and Blues. From the history and the social impacts, to the musicians such as Louis Armstrong and Charlie Parker, I learned so much from our conversation. I am requesting Ken Burns’ Jazz series DVD, published by PBS and Warner Home Video 2000, from public library. There are 10 episodes in total:

  1. Gumbo
  2. Gift
  3. Our Language
  4. The True Welcome
  5. Swing, Pure Pleasure
  6. Swing, the Velocity of Celebration
  7. Dedicated to Chaos
  8. Risk
  9. The Adventure
  10. A Masterpiece by Midnight


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