It has been a long time to post some thoughts and excitements here.
I videotaped Modern Hebrew class (Hebrew 201 Modern Hebrew, Third Semester (Murkin, Yuchtman) which is teaching by Haya H. Yuchtman. After the work of videotaping the students’ presentations, I told Haya, originally from Iran, it’s been a pleasure experience for me to capture some basic information of Middle East Asia—language, food, religion…etc. I found myself know so little about the culture in that area. I lack of the knowledge and barely have useful resources to understand the culture. I am glad to have this opportunity to have a glance of this culture. Be aware of it is the start point to par more attention to it. I am learning.
“A notable exception to the claim that verbs explicitly qualifying truth occur with non-factive clauses is yahda, which consultants translated as ‘believe’. A more accurate gloss might be something like ‘see the truth of’ complements. For a non-factive verb ‘belive’ in Haida one uses the verb that also means ‘think’.
Retrieved December 8, 2005, from Google Book-- Haida Syntax, Volume 2 (2003). p. 829. By John Enrico. University of Nebraska Press.
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