Monday, July 04, 2005

Weird Conversation

I really don’t know what messages FM was trying to pass on to me. First, she mentioned she heard I had a paper published. Then she told me she is going to UCLA for a conference. I said, “Congratulations!”

I was silly to think she would like to know what I would do in the summer. When she asked, I told her I was going to Spain. Several quick questions came after this—“Are you going to a conference, too?” “Did you get the funding?” “Does your professor pay for you?” “You are wasting the money for staying just 10 days!” Bra, bra, bra….

At first, I thought she cared about my current news. After several questions, I found she DID NOT listen to me at all. “Oh, I can’t talk to you anymore. Let me tell you, you had better call tomorrow to cancel/change(?) your tickets. You are wasting the money!”

Gee…. I wasted my time in talking to you, FM!!


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