Thursday, May 03, 2007

an observation on high speed rail

On my way to Taipei this evening, I observed a family who sat next to me. As usual in this particular culture, the mom took care of the child and, of course, the daddy sat aside all the way through the trip. This culture difference drew me attention on this family. The kid was cute and he was right on the age to be active. He liked to walk around and got close to others. In order to keep him stay with the parents, the strategy that mom uses was to scare him—kept telling him that if he do this and that, she would be angry. The funny thing is, I and other passengers who sat around them became easily angry people, according to the mom.

This observation reminded me what Joe talked about early childhood development in educational psychology class. I believe whatever strategies the parents use definitely shape the kids’ beliefs in certain ways. It is part of development to a person’s thinking, believing, and understanding. I start to recall how the interaction between I and my mother since my childhood to adolescent, to my absence during my college and graduate school years, and to the current. It is a quite interesting observation along the trip.